Profile PictureKgadi Mmanakana

Simple Introduction to Industrial Revolution

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Simple Introduction to Industrial Revolution


The dawn of the 4th Industrial Revolution left everyone - from businesses, government to individuals in panic mode. Businesses are caught up in the buzzword and they retreat by trying to build technology products and by retrenching, government driving tech startup movement in the entrepreneurship development ecosystem and playing catch up with other countries, individuals (students and employees) panicking about jibs being on the line and lack thereof. As a result, they end up resisting the change because they don't understand it and regard it as an enemy.

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So, with this book I'm trying to simplify the buzzword (4th Industrial Revolution) by briefly giving them connect of the concept Industrial Revolution, where, how and why it started - I think grasping the concept will enable them to embrace change, participate in the revolution, and align themselves accordingly - whether it's in revising policy and legislation (for government), revising business models (for businesses), or updating skills and knowledge (for students and employees).

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