Daily Inspirational words to change your life for the better
To break the cycle of frustration, suffering and pain, you must start paying attention to life and its whispers. Pain will never leave you until you learn (Pay Attention Inside Now - PAIN). The truth is that, we always know what to do and the Universe has your back - as your personal GPS system. The tricky part is in taking time to LISTEN. To help you exercise this muscle of paying attention to the Universe, gut feel, God, yourself and life itself, I've put together some random life lessons to help you pause everyday to help you learn to sit with yourself and meditate - interrogate your thoughts, habits, feelings, and listen to the call of the Universe - lessons you may be missing. Read the daily lessons and use the scribbling section to write lessons coming to you after indulging that lesson of the day.
PAUSE! the Universe is communicating with you. Here are the Daily Short, Simple and Profound words to start hearing the Universe and yourself and change your life for the better.